urban decay naked skin foundation, beauty balm, flushed palette & ammo palette
So I’ve decided to post a Wishlist on the suggestion of my dearest Youtube gal pal, Miss JessicaLee422!I will be posting one monthly, and will be calling it “The Lust List”I chose the word lust rather than wish because I dont necessarily intend to purchase any/all of these items. These may be items that I have drawn…
Hello Everyone! Before we get to the giveaway today, I just want to say THANK YOU! to each and every one of you!I have reached over 25,000 subscribers! & I couldnt have done it without all of your love and support!so Thank You from the bottom of my heart =) xoNow onto the giveaway fun… Have…
Happy Monday Beauties! Hope that this exciting New Collab Giveaway will make this Manic Monday a little more exciting for all of you! 🙂 I have collaborated with 6 other amazing beauty vloggers on Youtube to bring you a HUGE Giveaway of all our Must Have Summer Essentials! One Lucky Winner will go away with…
hi Beauties! Hope that everyone is enjoying this gorgeous springtime weather! 🙂 I’d like to start off by apologizing for being so mia the last few weeks, this pregnancy is really kicking my booty! Considering that sleep has become my middle name since becoming pregnant, I figured there was no better time than now to…
hi Beauties Super Exciting news in the Beauty Blogosphere this evening, It appears the rumors were true… Brace yourself. Urban Decay is officially releasing a NAKED 3 Palette soon! ❤❤❤ No details on release date as of yet, but I *might* have heard froma reliable source that the NAKED 3 will be released in December ;] just in…
Merry Christmas Beauties! Thank you for all of your love & support in 2012 Wishing all of you safe and Happy Holidays <3 & OF COURSE, KISSU THE SHIBA INU TOO 😉