Hi Beauties.
First and foremost, I just want to thank everyone for their support of my youtube channel! I am truly living my dream, and following my passion. I wouldn’t be where I am today if it weren’t for all of you amazing beauties! So from the bottom of my heart, Thank you for the love.
In the past few months, I have fallen off the bandwagon with my video making (as many of you have probably noticed) and to those of you who have been waiting, thank you for sticking with me during my break! Transitioning from military to civilian life was a huge change for my husband and I, and things we’re quite hectic with our big move. Now that we are settled into our temporary residence, I am excited to be catching up with everyone in the beauty community!
In an effort to provide a more regular video schedule for all of you,
I’ve decided to start uploading every week on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Hopefully this new schedule will be beneficial for all of us; as I will hold myself to uploading twice a week, and you guys will know what days to look out for videos on my channel!
This will be especially helpful for those of you who have said that my videos don’t always show up in your subscription boxes- darn glitchy Youtube! 
I look forward to hearing from all of you, and getting to share my tips, tricks and finds with you more often!
If you didn’t see my new videos, check em’ out ya’ll!! My most recent was a big birthday haul with lots of fun summer clothes & goodies :]
Hope everyone has a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend!